Experience of use Traugel

Maria Kowalska, Krakow

Maria Kowalska from Krakow about Traugel gel

I want to share my personal experience of using Traugel bio-gel. I suffered from arthritis for several years. I tried many medicines which did not give any positive effect. Over time, the situation only worsened, and the pain became so unbearable that it was impossible to sleep at night. It got to the point where I was taking strong painkillers several times a day. That was until the nurse recommended trying the new generation Traugel.

At first I took it as another doll. After all, I was treated for more than a year, and even strong drugs did not bring relief. What to say about some kind of fat.

About gel Traugel

Let me tell you something about drugs. Traugel is a new innovative medicine in the form of a gel, which is produced in Germany. Promotes restoration and support of joints. The natural composition of the cream quickly penetrates the skin and has a pronounced therapeutic effect. I was convinced of this from my own experience. When there was practically no hope left, the medicine really helped.

The essence of the biogel's action is that the components are completely dissolved in cell fluids. Otherwise, the ingredients are completely natural. This contributes to their faster penetration into the affected areas, their incorporation into the biomatrix of the joint and their regeneration.

Indications for use

Personally, this drug has helped my arthritis almost instantly. When there was no hope of relief from the pain, Traugel had an immediate effect. After the second use, the joint stopped hurting. Of course, bending and stretching the knee was difficult, but I didn't expect it.

After a week of use, I could stand on my leg without any discomfort. Even my doctor couldn't believe his eyes.

How to use the medicine

How to use Traugel is specified in the instructions. The gel should be applied to the painful area in a thin layer 1-2 times a day with light massaging movements until the medicine is completely absorbed. There is nothing difficult about this.

A big advantage is that the gel is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on the clothes.

Overall, I am very pleased to have found out about such a wonderful drug, which has helped a lot with arthritis. I hope my review helps someone get rid of debilitating pain and get back to a fulfilling life.